22 06, 2022


By |Poesía|

The June meeting of POEMS OUT LOUD was attended by 15 people, an exceptionally high number for this time of year. It was also a particularly lively meeting on the theme of BEAUTY. Rather than focussing on the romantic appraisal of physical beauty favoured by many traditional male poets, the group chose poems that questioned [...]

9 06, 2022


By |Noticias|

Volví la semana pasada de un Londres en el que los preparativos para el Jubileo de la Reina estaban en pleno apogeo, y pude detectar un poco la emoción que se estaba generando para los eventos previstos. Las partes que he podido ver en la televisión demuestran una vez más lo bien que el Reino [...]

9 06, 2022


By |News|

I returned last week from a London where preparations for the Queen’s Jubilee were in full swing, and was able to detect a little of the excitement building up for the events that had been planned. The parts that I have managed to see on television show once more just how well the United Kingdom [...]

7 06, 2022


By |News|

CIRCULAR OF THE MONTH OF JUNE 2022 Dear Members, Apologies for the delay in sending out this months circular. We ended the month of May with the Canarian lunch on the 27th May and we are pleased to say that many of our members attended and it was very successful. As you are all aware [...]

7 06, 2022


By |Noticias|

CIRCULAR PARA EL MES DE JUNIO 2022 Estimados socios, Primero, disculparnos por el retraso del envío de la circular este mes. Acabamos el pasado mes de mayo con el almuerzo por la celebración del día de canarias, el viernes 27 de mayo, y estamos encantados de decir que fue todo un éxito, y tuvo una [...]

6 06, 2022

The Royal Overseas League, London

By |News|

I should like to tell fellow members some of the hidden benefits of membership, and this month I would like to address the subject of reciprocity.Many of our members may not be aware of the reciprocal arrangements that allow them to visit or book a room at the Royal Over-Seas League, a club dedicated to [...]

6 06, 2022

The Royal Overseas League, London

By |Noticias|

Es posible que muchos de nuestros socios no tengan conocimiento de los acuerdos recíprocos que les permitan visitar o reservar habitación en el Royal Over-Seas League, un club dedicado al entendimiento y amistad internacional ubicado estratégicamente en la prestigiosa zona londinense de St James's, al lado del Green Park y a unos quince minutos de [...]

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