POEMS OUT LOUD is a monthly gathering at The British Club, its purpose to promote a love of poetry. Each person shares a poem they like with the rest of the group by reading it aloud. We normally follow a different theme each month to give us a focus and it’s amazing how the same theme can produce such a wide variety of poems from amusing to serious and traditional to modern.
Who can come? It’s a meeting open to members and non-members of The British Club of whatever nationality. At present as well as a good number of British contributors we have people from Germany, France, America, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and, of course, Spain and Gran Canaria.
English is the main language used but you can read in your own language. Just give us a hint what it’s about!
Do you have to read a poem to attend? No. You can just come and listen. We appreciate an audience and your comments.
Do I have to read well to take part? You don’t have to be a trained verse speaker but please do try to communicate. It’s a good idea to stand or sit up straight and take a deep breath before starting. Try to look up from your book (paper, phone or iPad) from time to time. Practise your poem at home if possible. Advice: Try to make us interested in the poem you have chosen. Vary your pace but don’t read too quickly.
When does it take place? At present we have afternoon sessions from 4.0 to 5.30 p.m. We offer an optional lunch first at the British Club at 1.30 p.m.with a choice of dishes. Price 10 or 15 euros depending on your appetite. The lunch includes bread, water and coffee.
Not sure if it’s your sort of thing? You’re very welcome to come and give it go.
When is the next session? Wednesday 21st February. We usually meet on a Wednesday towards the end of the month.
What is the theme this month? Special Relationships.
The group is run by Jeannie van Rompaey. Here are her contact numbers:
602 621 236
I look forward to welcoming you to the group.