28 10, 2016

Reading club 26th october 2016

By |Reading club|

Last Wednesday once againg, we held our monthly Reading Club meeting. We chose Ernest Hemingway on this occasion as our main discussion topic. The presentation and comments were held by Mr. Gerardo López Intelangelo and also Mr. Raúl Sánchez Quevedo, both great experts about the artist´s life. The chosen novel for this month´s Reading meeting [...]

26 10, 2016

Poetry 19/10/2016

By |Poetry|

After an excellent lunch we gathered in the Green Room to talk about, and read poetry.The subject for today was solitude and companionship which gave rise to an animated discussion  which concluded that solitude that was sought after was good and even necessary but forced solitude caused isolation and introspection... and we all need interaction [...]

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