Last Wednesday, 25th of January, it took place, as always, our meeting around a book, On this ocassion our dear friend Professor Melvyn Elphee, delighted us with an outstanding presentation about the chosen book, that is, “The Great Gatsby”.
The lost generation, the American dream, and Scott Fitzgerald´s specific visión about the society in those years, were tackled with great clarity and subtlety, providing as a result a warm and cheerful discussion.
Before anything else, we would like to highly thank in particular Professor Elphee for the good time we all spent with him as well as the extra effort he used to properly convey the presentation in Spanish, having said this, it was a delight to our ears, to eventually hear some phrases in english from him, in particular when the speech was most forceful.
Following his advise, we have decided to read throughout this month, “The White Tiger”, from Aravind Adiga. Next meeting have been set for the 22nd of February. We highly encourage you to read it and wish to share with you all your opinions about this book.