About britishclublaspalmas

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So far britishclublaspalmas has created 174 blog entries.
20 06, 2018


By |Sin categoría|

Next Wednesday the 27th of June we shall be holding our afternoon fayre as on previous occasions, as from 4.30 pm. There will be stalls with a raffle, homemade produce, books, nearly new clothes and other interesting things. We look forward to seeing you at the Club!

15 06, 2018

Reading Club, Next meeting 27th of June 2018

By |Reading club|

We shall discuss "Black dogs" by Ian McEwan. This time, at 8:00pm in our Club.

7 05, 2018

Reading Club, Next Meeting 23rd of May

By |Reading club|

We shall discuss "The Brooklyn Follies" by Paul Auster. As usual, at 7:30pm in our Club.

23 04, 2018


By |Poetry|

There will be a play reading of “A Woman of no Importance” by Oscar Wilde on Wednesday 25th of April, beginning at 3.30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

3 04, 2018

Reading Club, Next Meeting 25th April

By |Reading club|

We shall discuss "The handmaid's tale" by Margaret Atwood. As usual, at 7:30pm in pur Club.

16 02, 2018


By |Poetry|

POEMS OUT LOUD is a monthly gathering at The British Club, its purpose to promote a love of poetry. Each person shares a poem they like with the rest of the group by reading it aloud. We normally follow a different theme each month to give us a focus and it’s amazing how the same [...]

3 02, 2018

Reading Club, Next Meeting 21st March

By |Reading club|

We shall discuss "An Artist of the Floating World" by Kazuo Ishiguro, last Nobel Prize for Literature. As usual, at 7:30pm in our Club.

17 11, 2017


By |Activities, News|


16 11, 2017

Reading Club, Next Meeting 29th November

By |Reading club|

We shall discuss "The Wisdom of Father Brown" by G.K. Chesterton. As usual, at 7:30pm in our Club.

29 09, 2017

Reading Club, Next Meeting 25th October

By |Reading club, Sin categoría|

We shall discuss "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. As usual, at 7:30pm in our Club.

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